Irish Dance 101

About Irish Dance

What's New With Me

Hints and Tips


About Me

Gone Feisin'



Guest Book Page

Photo Page

Catalog Page

Dia Duit! Welcome to Irish Dance 101

Welcome to the New and Improved Irish Dance 101! I use to use Homestead, but then they wanted to start charging me to use them, and so I stopped using them. Now I have a great, new web!

If you are new to the wonderful world of Irish Dance, or are a returning pilgrim, I hope you will be able to find helpful information on my website.

Soon I hope to have:

    Hints & Tips
    Picture Page
    Feis Info
    Fun Page

    1-22-02 Created Website!
    1-23-03 Added About Irish Dance, About Me, Links, and What's New With Me
    1-24-02 Added Webfeis, and Hints & Tips
    1-26-02 I worked on my webfeis page and added Gone Feisin'
    2-17-02 updated what's new with me. Fixed broken pictures.

Last Thoughts

I hope to get everything working as soon as possible, and if anyone has any tips or suggestions feel free to em@il me.

Em@il Me

in association with Irish-Dancer


    The Ring means Eternity
    The Heart stands for LOVE
    The Hands stand for Friendship
    The Crown stands for Loyalty